You don’t fight, we won’t fight,
We can sleep in peace this Christmas Night,
The war is over by the troops decree,
It’s a dead end fight and we all agree,
What are we gonna do come the morning light.

You don’t fight, we won’t fight,
We can meet halfway on the bloody ice
Comradely bond with no arms drawn,
I’m wondering whose side we’re on,
Got a flask of something strong,
and i’m sharing it with friends tonight.

You don’t fight, we won’t fight,
We can bury our dead and honour them right,
I’ll pray for you and you’ll pray for me,
and we’ll re-define bravery,
i’m strong and I’m proud but I ain’t going to take a life.

You don’t fight, we won’t fight,
Got half your men right in my sights,
But iv’e seen you lives and iv’e seen your dead,
So i’m aiming right above your head,
Worlds gone mad but I ain’t gonna take a life.

You don’t fight, we won’t fight,
But will this courage last past Christmas Night,
What’ll they say in a hundred years,
When they look back on what happened here,
What are we gonna do come the morning light?




  1. JS says:

    Merry Christmas, VFPUK!

    Another person who talked about love and peace and the power to influence millions and who dies in mysterious circumstances!

  2. David Marchesi says:

    Kipling was no pacifist, but he wrote :

    an epitaph for a dead statesman

    I could not dig: I dared not rob:
    Therefore I lied to please the mob.
    Now all my lies are proved untrue
    And I must face the men I slew.
    What tale shall serve me here among
    Mine angry and defrauded young?

    Rings a bell ? I’m afraid we are being dragged into a hell-hole again by the same type of caste which brought us WW1 ,WW2 etc etc. Only the brainwashed think they can kill to order and not suffer for it. “Our” wars since imperialism/racism infected us have all been dirty wars, and the fight against war starts with an incessant challenging of militarism. It would be nice if “Christians” in large numbers joined in the fight, wouldn’t it ?
    A song to set people thinking, and, let’s hope, acting alongside VFP

  3. Narjit Singh Mankoo says:

    The human race regardless of caste creed or colour has to come together and challenge politicians about waging war on other countries. I would like to thank Ben Griffin and all veterans for opening my eyes to the horrors of war. Having seen clips on YouTube of Ben Griffin and other veterans I will never see war as being just or necessary in the 21st century

  4. Dawn Coit says:

    An absolutely beautiful song and message. This is something every boy and girl on the earth should have learned as a young child. What is wrong with the world is that those who did NOT learn the message are the ones with the greatest political power today, and they are sending off the young men and women who DID learn the message in the song to put their bodies and souls and lives on the line to fight in these useless battles. “You don’t fight, we won’t fight.” The message is plain and simple. It’s unfortunate that parents, churches, and schools are not teaching this. Or that a group of the population are simply unable to learn it.

  5. Stephen Edwards says:

    Thank you to everyone involved in Veterans for Peace for your brave, dynamic, purposeful struggle.

  6. Ken Mayers says:

    VFP UK is really showing us the way! Many, many thanks from the Joan Duffy Chapter of Veterans for Peace in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

  7. Fantastic song the words are so powerful. VFP UK does it again. I was very moved. Thanks to all. Giving it wide distribution over here in States.

  8. Jon says:

    No money for the disabled , no money for the NHS hospital Budgets, no money to take care of our injured Veterans who have to scrape by Justifying their Service year after year, going through countless assessments by a welfare system that they want to shut down …all of these things because the British Government have no money….

    But start another War Bombing Syria and putting Boots on the Ground in the middle East potentially maiming and destroying more peoples lives OH YEAH WE,VE GOT PLENTY OF MONEY FOR THAT !!

    War makes money for people who dont have to fight in them.. its all a big lie by the government to Justify another War, invent a Bogeyman, create the fear .. its the same old tune.
    We could make UK fortress UK by utilising our Military here in UK without any need in bombing people into oblivion …..oh wait though that wont make any profit for the Arms Industry will it.

    May you all be well may you be Happy and May you be free from All suffering.
    Namaste VFP !

  9. Paul Rogers says:

    Simply wonderful, although we will have to continue to fight with peace as a weapon , to maintain the truth.

  10. alan Horton says:

    Congratulations gentlemen, great dignity displayed with purpose. I wish I could have been among you but I wouldnt qualify.
    A great man once said ,”the only thing we learn from history is that we dont learn anything from history”.

    Already we are being prep,d for Libya Mk 2.
    Mk 1 was such an awesome success.

    We are unlikely to rest easy for many a year ,if ever.
    best wishes to you all.
    alan Horton , W Cornwll

  11. Heather Speight says:

    Am sitting here in tears…tears of grief, tears of gratitude for a beautiful song and the extraordinary power of music to combine sorrow and joy.
    Thank you Fenya… and Tom Morello, Ryan Harvey, Ben Griffin and all Vs for Peace!
    Will share it widely…
    Warm Good Wishes,
    Heather (Peace Action Durham, MAW)

    1. jacqui lovell says:

      Me too!! Lovely song and the sentiment is def something we ALL need to cry about! have a lovely xmas

  12. Gus Hales says:


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